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Dominik Raab – Urban Riding Bucharest
BannerAfiSport-14 Noiembrie

Dominik Raab, campionul național al Austriei la Trial, a vizitat și Bucureștiul, nu doar târgul de biciclete Expo Bike. M-am bucurat așa cum se cuvine de oportunitatea de a petrece o zi cu el prin oraș iar cu această ocazie i-am adresat câteva întrebări. Mai jos găsești sesiunea de riding din București cât și interviul în care ne povestește despre el și despre bicicleta lui.

FreeRider: Hello Dominik! How do you feel riding in Bucharest?

Dominik Raab: Oh, really great, you showed me some real cool places here.

FreeRider: Glad you like it. Let’s get straight to you: since when are you riding and when did you start your career?

Dominik Raab: I’m riding since 1997 and i started with riding mountainbikes, then after 2 years i started riding trials, parkriding and dirtriding.

FreeRider: What was your biggest achievement ever?

Dominik Raab: So, i guess my biggest achievement is the opportunity travelling with my bike in different countries, meeting new people… my bike took me in many places over the world.

FreeRider: Please tell us more about your bike and of course about the setup.

Dominik Raab: At the moment i’m riding an UMF street prototype frame, that hopefully UMF will sell it next year. The frame is really light, 1.5 kg, aluminium. About the other components, i’m riding Chris King hubs since 7 years now and also Alex Rims, Shimano/Hope brakes, Maxxis Tyres and Shimano XT Cranks.

FreeRider: Did you had any bad accidents?

Dominik Raab: Yeah, i had bad accidents, some torn ligaments…

FreeRider: Do you have any advices for the guys who want’s to start a career in street trials?

Dominik Raab: Riding everyday, it’s the only good advice. (laughing)

FreeRider: What was the most crazy trick you ever saw?

Dominik Raab: Most crazy trick? Hmm! The double front flip made by Anthony Napolitan and also Danny MacAskill’s front flip, these are really crazy.

FreeRider: Some words for our readers…?

Dominik Raab: Ride on! (laughing)

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