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Travis Pastrana uimeşte lumea cu trickul său… pe bicicletă

Travis Pastrana îl ştim, este o vedetă a motociclismului extrem, un „stunt performer” cum îl numeşte Wikipedia. Recent însă Pastrana a realizat imposibilul se pare. „I can’t ride a bike but I just landed that!” spune el după ce a reuşit un double quark 1080. Cuvintele sunt de prisos aşa că mai bine să vedem despre ce e vorba.

Epic start to the day! Landed a double quark 1080 (ausi-roll – double back flip 360 – whatever you want to call it) on a bet with Dusty Wygle. We finished one of the all time craziest shows in the history of Nitro Circus live last night in front of a sold out show in London's O2 arena.. Woke up this morning tired, sick and beat up.. And decided today was going to be the day to land a trick I've been working on for 3 years. Dusty had been working on it equally as long and agreed to give it a go too. But not wanting to leave anyone out, we woke up half the Nitro crew and got the venue early today to have a huck-it session.. Putting on a show in front of tens of thousands of people is an amazing feeling.. But sessions like this mornings practice with just your friends are what we live for. Sony – Action Cam, Giant Bicycles, #WorldsFirstMTNbikeAusiRoll #overlyexcited #good2feelAlive EVS Sports

Posted by Travis Pastrana on Sunday, 7 February 2016

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