Adam Brayton a suferit un accident destul de grav la Cairns, iar imediat după incident, un spectator s-a urcat pe bicicleta lui și a luat-o la vale (în scopul de a-l ajuta, adică pentru a-i duce bicicleta la finish). Ce a pățit, poți vedea mai jos.
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Vezi comentarii
Nu i-a furat bicicleta. Il cunostea pe rider si s-a oferit sa ii duca bicicleta la baza la organizatori
pentru cei care nu stiu ce s-a intamplat defapt, comentariul unui user intr'un articol similar, deoarece multi isi dau cu parerea fara a avea habar: "woffa04 (2 days ago)
from someone who was actually there and saw it all happen. Brayton got a lift down on an ATV and this guy was wheeling his bike down the edge of the track while the track was still on hold. The crowd then was cheering him on to get on it and ride down the woops section and get the bike to the bottom. For his stupid decision which was pressured by the crowd it's probably cost him his normal way of life for the short term if not life. So to say he deserves it is shocking. he's suffered enough I'm sure"
Eu l-as fi ars pe rug, bicicleta omului e sfanta :))
A fost pedepsit exemplar! Mai bine de atat nici nu se putea!